Friday, February 10, 2012

Will You Be Our Valentine?

SAKitToMe Heart

We heart February!

At EnviroTrend USA, we love the month of February. From Groundhogs to Valentines, love is in the air and spring is around the corner. There's not a better time to celebrate the blooming bulbs and flowering trees, all while enjoying the slightly warmer air outside. It's also the month we celebrate our sweetie pies. And, let's face it, who doesn't like to be in love? Love comes in many forms- a spouse or significant other, a new baby, and especially your friends and family- and we celebrate all of them. Whether you've been together for 50 years, 50 days or 50 hours, we wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day!

As we enter into the month of February, we are excited to introduce all of our new retailers with you. We've had successful trade shows in Atlanta and L.A. are pumped to bring your favorite bags to even more retailers around the county, with more being added every day! Our web site is being updated with all of our new stores but be sure to check out facebook for the most recent list.

We also have another reason to love this month- it's Kim's birthday. So you see, we do have much to celebrate this month! To kick off all of February's festivities, we are offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders placed on our facebook store. There's no coupon code to enter- just start shopping! To pick out your favorite PAKs and SAKS, just click here. Be sure to pick up SAKitToMe for all of the sweeties in your life and show your love for the environment while shopping in style!

And the winner is...

Ok, let's just cut to the chase- everyone subscribed to our newsletter was entered to win a PAKitToMe just for being on the list. Congratulations to Ruby Hasan! Ruby, we'll be in touch for your mailing information and details on choosing your backpack. Want another chance to win? Visit us on facebook- contests are announced regularly. Not a facebook fan yet? Click here for facebook and here to follow us on Twitter. We'll have another giveaway next month so be sure to share this newsletter with your just might be the way you win a bag from EnviroTrend!

All of our best,
Kim and Vanessa